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Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers


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To (partially) understand what is going on. Once Again James Lindsay

Apr. 11 2022


And Listening to this now

Apr. 18 2022



The goal is not to teach children how to read, but to raise their Consciousness. And so help humanity achieve The Millennial Kingdom...no need for a King.

If the words Christian Heresy pop into your head...You Are Correct.

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Amid Public Concern About Grooming Kids, American Library Association Picks ‘Marxist Lesbian’ As President

A large organization that drives the training of U.S. librarians and their use of public funds has chosen a self-described “Marxist lesbian” as its next president amid growing concern about libraries actively connecting children to sexually explicit activities and materials.

Emily Drabinski was elected president of the American Library Association last week by the organization’s members. She will take office in July 2023.:snip:

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Parents revolting against the perversion of their children draws fire

Parents are up in arms from San Francisco to Florida and everywhere in between. 

They’ve had a good look at what the schools are doing to their children, and they don’t like it one bit. Naturally, the parents are being told to shut up and keep paying taxes to support an educational establishment that despises their values. 


The media, like the leftist teachers unions, reflexively cast parents as the bad guys. 

Fresh from its prominent role in gaslighting America for three years over the Russian collusion hoax, the “legacy” media are now eviscerating parents and politicians who are trying to protect children from early sexualization. 

Their ire is aimed at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and anyone who uses the term “grooming” to describe the schools’ blatant efforts to corrupt children sexually. “Grooming” means manipulating someone into a position of sexual vulnerability so they can be exploited.:snip:

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‘Transhood’ Documentary Shows Why Kids Are Incapable Of Making Irreversible Medical Decisions

Every parent reading this should immediately stop and go watch HBO’s “Transhood” (2020) documentary. It will enlighten, depress, and alarm you all at once, and it’s the best way to understand the crisis that’s happening with so many of America’s children.

The film follows four families in Kansas City, Missouri, all of which include a child who identifies as transgender. It takes place over five years. Two of the children, 12-year-old Jay (a girl who identifies as a boy) and 15-year-old Leena (the opposite), have been placed on hormone pharmaceuticals by their parents in order to suppress their natural puberty.


The other two, 7-year-old Avery (a boy who identifies as a girl) and 4-year-old Phoenix (the same) are not receiving hormone drugs but they are dressed in female clothing and referred to as girls. Avery’s hair is dyed purple and pink. Phoenix’s entire wardrobe is draped in rainbow.

In the most shocking scene, Leena, who wants his penis to more closely resemble a vagina (a procedure that literally involves splitting the phallus longways in half), visits a surgeon, Dr. Marci Bowers, who tells him, “The thing is, a penis is basically the same thing as a clitoris. Everything a girl has, a boy has and everything a boy has, a girl has.”

Bowers is a man who identifies as a woman. And he should immediately have his medical license revoked for lying to a child, encouraging him to permanently mutilate his sex organs.

But, if you can believe it, there are plenty of other confounding moments.:snip:

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‘Underhanded’: School Invites Students to Observe LGBTQ Day Without Parents’ Knowledge

Whether you know it or not, your child’s school may have observed a “Day of Silence” on behalf of the LGBTQ movement.

The advocacy group GLSEN invited schools across the country to hold a demonstration Friday to show support for LGBTQ students and their allies. 

GLSEN encouraged participants to “take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools,” according to the group’s website

The Day of Silence would end, the group said, with participants holding “Breaking the Silence” rallies and events “to share their experiences during the protest and bring attention to ways their schools and communities can become more inclusive.” 


One parent, whose son attends a private high school in Connecticut that has no religious affiliation, told The Daily Signal that her “suspicion” is that “a lot of schools, especially private schools, were participating in this.” 

The mother, who asked to remain anonymous, said her son received an email from the school administration inviting students to wear rainbow colors last Friday and participate in a “Day of Action” to “support our LGBTQ+ community.” :snip:

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Rachel Levine says pediatricians all agree on importance of 'gender-affirming care' for children

"There is no argument among medical professionals – pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. – about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care," Levine told NPR.

According to definitions laid out in a fact sheet from Levine's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in March, "gender-affirming care" includes social affirmation at any age, puberty blockers during puberty and hormone therapy starting during early adolescence. Irreversible surgery is "typically used in adulthood or case-by-case basis in adolescence," according to the agency.:snip:

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1 hour ago, Geee said:

Rachel Levine says pediatricians all agree on importance of 'gender-affirming care' for children

"There is no argument among medical professionals – pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. – about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care," Levine told NPR.




This statement has been rated Extra Double Plus Good by The Disinformation Governance Board.




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Biden's transgender decree

BIDEN'S TRANSGENDER DECREE. One way to shut down debate on a contentious subject is to declare that there is no debate on the subject. Everyone, absolutely everyone, agrees with one side, so why are you even trying to argue? It's settled.

The Biden administration is doing that now on what officials call "gender-affirming care" for young people who believe they are transgender. "There is no argument among medical professionals, pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc., about the value and the importance of 'gender-affirming care,'" Dr. Rachel Levine, who as assistant secretary for health is the highest-ranking transgender person in the administration, told NPR on Friday. The next day, Levine made the case in a speech at the "Out for Health" conference at Texas Christian University.

A month earlier, to observe "International Transgender Day of Visibility," Levine's agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, released an information sheet on "gender-affirming care" for youth. "For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system," the department said.:snip:

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Why Does YouTube Host This Channel That Teaches Kids About Porn And Abortion?

Amaze Org is a predatory YouTube channel that says it aims to “take the awkward” out of sex education for kids and boasts about its age-appropriate content for this digital generation of children. It has more than 220,000 subscribers and its free videos have a combined total of more than 60 million views.  

Why is YouTube allowing this organization to push its sexual agenda on kids? YouTube’s content policy clearly states, “Content that targets young minors and families but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences, is not allowed on YouTube.”

On Amaze Org’s about page, the organization says its mission is “to provide young adolescents around the globe with medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education they can access directly online.” They also provide curricula for schools, parents, and “allies.”

Their videos can be accessed on their website, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. The topics covered in the videos are gender identity, sexuality, abortion, birth control, puberty, masturbation, pornography, abortion, and more. It’s all explicit and not appropriate for children.:snip:

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Normalizing perversion

The reasons for the Left's perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child's life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it? If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?

No government-schooled child of any age should be taught matters of sexuality, sexual behavior, or sexual identity beyond the egg-sperm basics. There is no legitimate reason for it. Let's back this truck up and reframe the argument: Instead of settling the debate where conservatives concede "age-appropriateness" ground to the sexualizers, reverse this polluted stream and remove all sexual material from all public and private schools and leave these matters to parents. Conservatives have been far too accommodating on this matter.

Why is the Left so anxious to expose to little kids sexually explicit cartoons of two boys (or one man and one boy) engaging in oral sex, as has been depicted in some schoolbooks? To normalize adult sexuality, normal or perverse, for small children is to tell them that it is normal for them to engage in it at their age. It isn't. This is like putting a boulder on an egg. Kids are eggs, easily molded and more easily scrambled. That makes them perfect victims for pernicious child predators. The same goes for transsexual material. Why groom a child into transsexuality, then try to hide it from parents if it is not wrong? Is this mere prurience or something more deeply malevolent?:snip:

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GLSEN: An Instrumental Organization Responsible For Infiltrating Schools With LGBT Ideology

One organization is highly influential in infiltrating private and public schools with LGBT ideology in the form of teacher programming, resources, and research, according to an analysis conducted by a concerned parents organization.

GLSEN — pronounced “glisten” — is the touchpoint between political activism and activism in K-12 public and private schools. The organization is responsible for teacher training, school policy guides, curriculum, and Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs in schools nationwide, according to an analysis from Parents Defending Education.

The “Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educator Network” advocates for transgender issues, “gender-affirming” care for young people, the Equality Act, and rewriting Title IX to include gender identity.

GLSEN evolved from its foundation as a network for LGBT educators to one that rakes in millions of dollars and partners with the nation’s largest school accreditation associations.

Kevin Jennings, a former high school history teacher, founded GLSEN as a network for teachers. In a few short years, Jennings spoke at the Human Rights Campaign’s 1995 Leadership Conference explaining how the organization was “reframing” its message to children’s “safety” to achieve broader political wins. Jennings also spoke about using children as effective political tools.:snip:

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