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Disney president who is the 'mother of a transgender and a pansexual child' says she she wants at least half of ALL future characters to be LGBTQIA or racial minorities


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Feb 6, 2023
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Disney’s “The Proud Family” going full woke indoctrination by questioning if Abraham Lincoln really freed the slaves and making the case for reparations with the “slaves built this country” musical number.

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  • “Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” a recent Disney+ reboot of the original “Proud Family” children’s cartoon (2001–05), was always going to be a social-justice routine.
  • Pictures of Black Lives Matter protests, repeated demands for reparations, and the debunked Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra make guest appearances in the rant.
  • Bizarrely, references to the Illuminati, the New World Order, and the idea that Abraham Lincoln didn’t really “free the slaves” — because “only we can free ourselves” and “emancipation is not freedom” — slip in, too.:snip:
  • Sad 1
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Disney may have slowed on sexualizing kids, but it’s doubled down on racism

Perhaps because Gov. Ron DeSantis snapped the whip, the Walt Disney Company has pulled back the throttle a little bit on efforts to groom America’s children in the way of transgenderism. However, the company founded by the fiercely patriotic and anti-communist Walt Disney has a children’s TV show pushing Critical Race Theory and a Hulu show built around the 1619 Project. Both CRT and the 1619 Project exist to divide America along racial lines as a pathway to Marxism. (Never forget that BLM’s co-founder proudly identified as a “trained Marxist.”)

On February 1 (to coincide with Black History Month), Disney+ premiered the second season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. To those unfamiliar with the show, the original animated series (The Proud Family) ran on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2005. It was typical Disney fare, with a female teenage protagonist, her friends, and her family. The difference was that the family was Black.

Last year, though, Disney rebooted the show. Comparing the two Wikipedia essays on the original version and the reboot, the shows seem similar. Same Black family, with the same friend and family relationships and hijinks. I obviously haven’t watched either version, so I’m just guessing.:snip:

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1 hour ago, Geee said:

Disney may have slowed on sexualizing kids, but it’s doubled down on racism

On February 1 (to coincide with Black History Month), Disney+ premiered the second season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. To those unfamiliar with the show, the original animated series (The Proud Family) ran on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2005. It was typical Disney fare, with a female teenage protagonist, her friends, and her family. The difference was that the family was Black.




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