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A second term: Obama unleashed


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416176Washington Examiner:

Politicians and presidents of both parties have occasionally suffered from open-mic syndrome, saying something when they thought the microphone was turned off they wished had not been made public.

It happened to President Obama on Monday in Seoul, when he told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that once re-elected, he would have "more flexibility" to deal with missile defense. The president asked Medvedev to relay to incoming President Vladimir Putin his request for "patience" and "space."

The comments sent shivers down the spines of conservative who believe the president is a not-so-closeted socialist. They recall his criticism of the Founding Fathers for constitutionally limiting a president's ability to bring about change unilaterally. They fear that, unconstrained by the need to run again, Obama will perform a political version of "Girls Gone Wild," with the Constitution shredded and America transformed beyond recognition.

Dick Morris believes that an unleashed President Obama would cause even more damage to the country. The former adviser to Bill Clinton appeared on Fox's "Hannity" Monday night and delivered an ominous prediction of what an Obama second term might look like.

"I believe that he'll proceed to a single-payer system on health care," said Morris. "I think Obamacare was just an intermediate step in his mind. If he's re-elected, particularly if there's a Democratic Congress, he will eliminate the private health insurance industry and all insurance will be from the government and it will all be according to one plan. Secondly, I think that he will completely reverse the initiatives of the Bush 43 administration in opening up vast new forms of oil drilling in the U.S. And we'll eliminate this incredible opportunity we have to dominate the global oil markets and put the terrorists out of business. But thirdly, I think that his big focus will be to make the United States a vassal state to a globalist entity."

With any other president, this might sound like blather from the extreme right. But consider the new book by Van Jones, Obama's former "green energy czar" who was forced to resign for past extremist views and statements, including his signing a 2004 petition from 911Truth.org, a group that claimed George W. Bush knowingly allowed the 9/11 terrorist attacks to happen. In "Rebuild the Dream," Jones claims that Obama could have done more to yank the country leftward had he not been "determined to be bipartisan at all costs."Scissors-32x32.png

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Just the title gives me nightmares.



It's even more frightening than


The First Lady






- undressed

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Just the title gives me nightmares.



It's even more frightening than


The First Lady






- undressed


I'll send you my therapy bill.

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